The College is affiliated to Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad (JNTU – Hyderabad). Approved by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE, New Delhi) since year 2007 & Approved by PHARMACY COUNCIL OF INDIA (PCI).
College is Located on NH-65 at Toopranpet in a sprawling 10 acress of land at a distance of 18 Kms from LB Nagar X Road in a serene lush green atmosphere far from the maddening crowds. It is just 4 Kms away from Ramoji Film City.
We provide Trasportation to the staff and students from every nook and corner of the twin cities & Nalgonda City, Nakirekal, Ramannapet Town.
We have well qualified, talented, dedicated and experienced Faculty rendering their services under the efficient administration of the dynamic Principal.
We provide the best infrastructure facilities in tune with the advanced academic standards. Special hours are scheduled after the class work for additional practice particularly for the benefit of Hostel Students.
In addition to the regular laboratories, there is a computer center with internet facility.
Our Library is Luminous, Luxuriant locus of knowledge with a tresure of more than 3000 volumes and National , International Journals and magazines. It functions from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
In addition to this, there are departmental libraries attached to the chambers of the HODs concerned. This enables NIPs to have a continuous student faculty interaction and prepare themselves for paper-presentations, seminars etc.
We maintain Uncompromising Discipline and there is absolutely NO RAGGING. Hygienic canteen maintained by Reliance Group of Companies. Boy’s Hostel accomodating 400 students is provided on the college campus and a separate Girl’s Hostel accommodating 200 students is provided at Chaithanyapuri, Dilsukhnagar.

Library Management
Special emphasis is laid on the library management procedures and developing the library with world class literature and competent enough to match the premier educational institutions. Library will be taken-up as a strategic instrument to leverage learning and knowledge oriented culture in the college. The library will have all the possible literature that can create highly competent and committed engineers.
Sufficiency of Number of Text Books
The college has sufficient number of text books so as to serve the basic needs of the students.
Focus on reference and general books
The library focuses on having large number of reference and general books. The reference section will consist of
- 1. Advanced titles on various subjects that are needed towards the curriculum
- 2. Titles which are suited for technical/competitive examinations.
- 3. Titles which will usher research orientation among students.
- 4. Hand Books and manuals.
The general books section shall consist of
- 1. Biographies of famous scientists, technocrats, and entrepreneurs.
- 2. Books on business stories, company profiles.
- 3. Books on communication skills, presentation skills, personality development.
- 4. English literature books essentially focusing on imbibing a soft, cultured orientation among students.
- 5. Popular and general reading
Journals & Periodicals
The Library contributes to a minimum of as per AICTE Nome’s journals for each department in case of B.Pharmacy, Pharm.D and M.Pharmacy, 30 national and 10 international journals in case of humanities.
- 1. To have periodicals such as the week, India Today, Associate Professors digest, Discover India, Business Today, Business World.
- 2. Subject oriented periodicals like Harward Business Review, HRM Review, Data Quest, Computers Today, and Network Computing, Electronics today, IIM periodicals, IEEE Periodicals, IT Com.
- 3. Competitive Examination oriented periodicals like competition success review, competition master, employment news, Chronicle Review.
- 4. Added with back volumes of Journals and periodicals.
News Papers
College subscribes to leading news papers such as The Hindu, Times of India, Economic Times, Business Standard, Deccan Chronicle, Eenadu, Sakshi, Vartha, Andhra Jyothi, Surya and many more.
CD Library
The library has a good collection of digital text books, ELT CD ROM’s, Slide presentations, Lectures, Profiles, Training Programmes, Tutorials and Software tools.
Digital Library
A State of Art digital library is established with good number of digital books & articles in various formats.
Competitive Examination Section
The college library has a competitive examination section with all the study material for GPAT / GRE / GMAT / CAT / Civil services or any such other examination.
Computerized Library
The college has a computerized library management system which includes book and Journals search, checkout and check-in, retrieval through “NewGenLib” Library Automation system.
Display System
Library follows a good display system of new arrivals, notifications, or any other information to be shared with the students and staff.
Faculty/Students can suggest book titles or journals through Online Public Access Catalogue System or through a letter to Librarian.
Library Register Maintenance
Library has student log book, staff log book to understand the frequency of usage of library. Apart from this, the library shall maintain accession register, stock register; purchase register, magazine and journal entry register, library issue register.
Library Utilization Report
The library conducts regular library auditing on student and staff usage of books, journals and magazines and prepares an annual library utilization report.
An excellent ambience is created in the library consisting of display stands and boards, news paper stands, magazine rack, new arrival rack, etc along with reprographic facilities.

- 1. English Language Communication Skills ((ELCS) Lab version 1.0
- 2. Advanced communications Skills (ACSL)Lab
- 3. Clinical Learning Pharmacology package
- 4. Quick Heal SEQRITE
- 5. MS DreamSpark Imagine software
- 6. DEL NET—Infotrac Pharmaceutical Collection
- 7. NDL—National Digital Library
- 8. NewGenLib
- 9. Chem draw
- 10. Turbo C
- 11. AbdeRdr11009_en_US
- 12. Wrar531

Laboratory Management Procedures
Each department shall have a minimum of 5 laboratories, computer science being the exception. Lab Guidance State of art labs is provided. Each faculty will handle 15 students in each lab. Faculty is assisted by the lab programmers/lab assistants.
Lab Methodology
The faculty prepares lab manuals for each subject / lab which is followed strictly.
Lab administrative mechanism
Each lab is maintained by lab-in-charge and Lab-assistant. The assistants have to maintain registers like login register, service log register, stock register, issue register, and any other register as required. The stock verification will be carried out at the end of each academic year by the faculty deputed by the Principal.
Lab Attendance
It is mandatory for all the students to attend their lab sessions. Students should follow the dress code and rules to attend the lab sessions. Lab records should be submitted in the next lab session. The students shall sign in the login register when ever they enter the lab.
Day-to-Day Lab Evaluation Process
It is mandatory for all the faculty members to evaluate the student performance in each lab. The evaluation process is given in the lab attendance register.
Lab Management
All the computer laboratories are provided with UPS. The electronic labs are provided with necessary UPS along with stabilizers where necessary. In computer laboratory the server shall have a minimum of two-hour battery back up and all the nodes having a minimum of half an hour back-up capability.

Our college is Located on NH-9 at Toopranpet in a sprawling 42 acres of land at distance of 28 kms from Dilsukhnagar in serene lush green atmosphere far from the maddening crowds.It is just 6 kms away from Ramoji filmcity.
We Provide Transportation to the staff and students from everynook and corner of the twin cities and Nalgonda, Valigonda etc.

Hygienic canteen maintained by Reliance Group of Companies.
Boys Hostel accommodating 400 Students is provided on the college campus.
Girls Hostel accommodating 200 Students is provided in Chaithanyapuri.
Bus facility Provided by College from Girls Hostel to College Campus.